Django Continuous Integration#

This guide shows you how to use Semaphore to set up a continuous integration (CI) pipeline for a Python Django web application. The first thing you need to do is to create a new Semaphore project.

Demo project#

Semaphore maintains an example Django project that you can use to learn:

  • Demo Python Django project on GitHub

The Semaphore annotated configuration file can be found in the .semaphore/semaphore.yml repository file.

The demo application is a simple task manager. We can create, edit, and delete tasks. It also features an admin site to manage users, groups, and permissions. The project uses the Django framework, unittest and nose for unit testing, pylint for code analysis, selenium for browser tests, and MySQL as a database.

Overview of the CI pipeline#

Our Django CI pipeline contains the following tasks:

  • Install dependencies
    • Install python packages with pip
  • Code Analysis
    • Run static code analysis with pylint
  • Unit tests
    • Run unit tests for views and models
  • Browser tests
    • Run browser tests with python selenium webdriver
  • Security tests
    • Run security tests with Django deployment checklist

The example pipeline has 5 blocks:

Project pipeline

We want prompt feedback from the test pipeline, so we'll fail fast if the linting fails. This prevents losing time on account of semantically incorrect code.

Sample configuration#

                                            # Use the latest stable version of Semaphore 2.0 YML syntax:                version                :                v1.0                # Name your pipeline. In the event that you connect multiple pipelines with promotions,                # the name will help you differentiate between, for example, a CI build phase                # and delivery phases.                name                :                Semaphore Python / Django Example Pipeline                # An agent defines the environment in which your code runs.                # It is a combination of one of available machine types and operating                # system images.                # See                # and                agent                :                machine                :                type                :                e1-standard-2                os_image                :                ubuntu1804                # Blocks are the heart of a pipeline and are executed sequentially.                # Each block has a task that defines one or more jobs. Jobs define the                # commands to execute.                # See                blocks                :                -                name                :                "Install                                                Dependencies"                task                :                # This block installs all the python dependencies,                # as well as all the required Linux packages.                # The prologue section is always executed before each job in                # the block.                # See                prologue                :                commands                :                # Set the python version.                # See                -                sem-version python 3.7                # Install Linux dependencies.                -                sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev && sudo apt-get install default-libmysqlclient-dev                jobs                :                -                name                :                pip                commands                :                # Get the latest version of our source code from GitHub:                # See                -                checkout                # Restore dependencies from the cache. This command will not fail in                # the event of a cache miss. In the event of a cache hit, pip can use it                # to speed up the installation.                # For more info on caching, see                -                cache restore                # Install python dependencies.                # If not found in the cache, pip will download them.                -                pip download --cache-dir .pip_cache -r requirements.txt                # Persist downloaded packages for future jobs.                -                cache store                -                name                :                "Run                                                Code                                                Analysis"                task                :                # This block executes code analysis tests with pylint.                prologue                :                commands                :                -                sem-version python 3.7                -                checkout                # At this point, the cache contains the downloaded packages ...                -                cache restore                # ... so pip does the installation much faster.                -                pip install -r requirements.txt --cache-dir .pip_cache                jobs                :                -                name                :                Pylint                commands                :                # list files that are in the directory and working tree                # grep -v will exclude the files being considered for pylint                # grep -E will matches files having .py extension                # This command will help to pass required python files to pylint along with the pylint_djanog plugin                # Pylint with -E option will display only if there is an error                -                git ls-files | grep -v 'migrations' | grep -v '' | grep -v '' | grep -E '.py$' |                xargs pylint -E --load-plugins=pylint_django                -                name                :                "Run                                                Unit                                                Tests"                task                :                # This block runs the unit tests.                # Since the test requires a database, we start the database here.                # Django automatically creates a test database schema.                prologue                :                commands                :                -                sem-version python 3.7                # Start a MySQL database. On Semaphore, databases run in the same                # environment as your code.                # See                # Also                -                sem-service start mysql                -                checkout                -                cache restore                -                pip install -r requirements.txt --cache-dir .pip_cache                # Two parallel test jobs are executed.                jobs                :                -                name                :                Model Test                commands                :                # Test the application's database models.                -                python test tasks.tests.test_models                -                name                :                View Test                commands                :                # Test the application's views.                -                python test tasks.tests.test_views                -                name                :                "Run                                                Browser                                                Tests"                task                :                # This block runs browser-based tests.                # We need to set environment variables.                # See                env_vars                :                -                name                :                DB_NAME                value                :                'pydjango'                # This test requires the application to be running.                # We start the application server here.                prologue                :                commands                :                -                sem-version python 3.7                # Start MySQL database.                -                sem-service start mysql                # Install mysql client                -                sudo apt-get install -y -qq mysql-client                # Create an empty database.                # We can connect to the db with root and a blank password.                -                mysql --host= -uroot -e "create database $DB_NAME"                -                checkout                -                cache restore                -                pip install -r requirements.txt --cache-dir .pip_cache                # Application is started.                -                nohup python runserver &                jobs                :                -                name                :                Browser Test                commands                :                # Run browser tests on Google Chrome.                # On Semaphore, browsers are already installed.                -                python test tasks.tests.test_browser                -                name                :                "Run                                                Security                                                Tests"                task                :                # This block runs through the security checklist for the project.                jobs                :                -                name                :                Deployment Checklist                commands                :                -                checkout                -                sem-version python 3.7                -                cache restore                -                pip install -r requirements.txt --cache-dir .pip_cache                # Test if project can be deployed securely.                -                python check --deploy --fail-level ERROR                          


Semaphore provides python 2 & 3 stable versions, as well as pip, pypy, and virtualvenv.

Database access#

In Semaphore, databases run in the same environment as jobs, and can be accessed with a blank password. For more information on using databases see databases and services and sem-service.

Browser testing#

Semaphore provides Chrome preinstalled, so no installation steps are required for doing browser tests.

Run the demo yourself#

A great way of getting started with Semaphore is to take a demo project and run it yourself. Here's how to run the demo project with your own account:

  1. Fork the project on GitHub with your account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. In Semaphore, follow the link in the sidebar to create a new project.
  4. Edit any file and do a push to GitHub, Semaphore will automatically start the CI pipeline.

Next steps#

Congratulations! You have set up your first Django integration project on Semaphore. The next step is to configure deployment. For further information, please check the following tutorials:

  • Deploying with promotions.
  • Deployment tutorials and example projects.

See also#

  • Semaphore guided tour
  • Pipelines reference
  • Toolbox reference
  • Environment variables and secrets